Our starting point is to consider how it is today - what is the everyday experience of the people? From here we can assess the desired future. Now we have the destination. The blue print for the culture of choice is underway.
There are many ways to get there, all of which focus on who we are and how we get things done successfully supporting and managing our people. With the current economic climate, it has never been more important for managers and leaders to identify, retain and develop the huge, often latent, talent in their businesses or organisations.
Achieving the right balance between managing people and creating an environment where they can develop, grow and succeed has never been so critical to success. This is where the next step of merging together the technical competencies, skills we need to do the job and what we know, with how we are expected to behave at work. Behaviour competencies are the ‘how’ to get the job done. This combination is so important and the way we engage with our staff is key to them being at their very best.
We adopt a ‘Cradle to Grave’ philosophy, sound familiar (Aneurin Bevan, in 1948) Think the employee life cycle, click here for our model, and there you have it.